Weather Station and Camera are back online!

The webcam and weather station are back online!

We are encountering a small issue with the wind direction readout which is intermittent so John has installed a streamer which is visible in the webcam view as an interim measure.

We’ll keep an eye on it but if you do encounter any issues please report them through the usual channels.


Membership Renewals 2024

Just a reminder that to retain your membership for the 2024 season you will need to renew your membership by the 31st December 2023.

You can do this using two methods.

  1. By completing the renewal form which is available on the website in the club documents section, then sending the completed form to the club secretary Tony Waters (
  2. Use the online renewal process which is accessed from the main menu of the home page titled Membership Renewals. The password to access the page will be circulated by email.

Models for Sale

Sadly our friend and fellow club member Dave Brain is retiring from model flying and has kindly offered his models for sale.

Please see the letter on the link below to see what Dave has for sale and kindly get in touch through the contact details on the letter.

Models For Sale

Thanks LM